Precious Bichon Frise – Bichon Frise Sales, Breeder


Hi Pattie and Jim,
We wanted to thank you so much for spending time with us on Labor Day to view your beautiful puppies.
Billy named his puppy Libby. She is doing great! She did get a bit car sick on the ride home to Monument.
Everything went well at the vet. She is very healthy and happy!! We love her so much!!
Our other dog Cassie (Bichon also), had held a grudge for the past 2 weeks, but finally she is playing with her. It is so funny to watch them as they chase each other around the house.
Thanks again! We will send pictures soon!
Patty Abraham

Dear Pattie and Jim,
We are so happy with our new puppy. She is so delightful, so much fun. We had a good trip home. She didn’t whimper at all, although she did get a little car sick which wasn’t surprising. We have a pet seat which she rides in and seems very content in it. Her crate is similar to the one you have only smaller and that is her little house. In it she has a baby, some chewies and a toy. She just loves it. We have never had a puppy who is so well adjusted and not at all fussy. She slept straight through the first night. We moved her crate into our bedroom and that is where she sleeps. You can tell she had excellent care from birth and has had the proper care and attention.
Thank you very much
KC is making a lot of friends and winning a lot of hearts. We will send you pictures somtime.
It was very nice to have met you.
Sue and Darrell Taylor

Thought you might like to see Ralphie today. He is wonderful!100_0328

Joe & Bonnie

Hi Pattie,test5

Just wanted to touch base with you and let you know how Booker T is doing. I think he takes after his father, he too thinks he is a clown, he is very entertaining.
He has adjusted very nicely. I’ve attached some pictures of him. He is eating well and has been sleeping with one of the older dogs each night and has done quite well. Potty training is going to take a while, he can’t seem to take care of #1 & #2 at the same outing. He is using the doggy door.

He is very possessive, when I’m holding him and another dog comes near me you would thing we were going to have a drag out dog fight. He growls and snaps. Very possessive, I’m also attaching a picture of his mouth, this picture shows his upper gum, you can’t see any of his front upper teeth because they are behind his bottom teeth. As I explained to you in our phone conversation on Monday I am very concerned about this over-bite. If the bite corrects itself when the permanent teeth come in then I see no problem with breeding him. As long as we both are aware of the problem and ittest6 has been agreed you will replace him with another male with the same pedigree if needed.

It has been extremely warm here this past week and I’ve been clipping all the dogs, their hair is just too long for this hot weather. I’m going to bathe Booker T and clip him too. So the pictures you are getting are pictures before I cut the rest of his hair off. LOL

Take care and I will keep in touch. I take tons of pictures so will make sure you receive a copy of them too.



1111Here are some cute photos of Rocky. He is doing well and I have finally found a good vet who KNOWS Bichons!

Rocky has an appointment Friday for a review of his testicular issue. I’m just worried where that other one IS!

First photo: Rocky and our grand-daughter Hazel – she was in town last week and they had a BALL playing together. He is soooo gentle with her and she squeeled each time she saw him, but did NOT want him to lick her, which of course, is exactly what HE wanted to do!

2nd is him playing in our Strawberry patch- he loves my garden and “helps” me weed – brings in bits of stuff each day that he found in the garden!

3rd is of Rocky and my mom – she was able to come up to see Hazel and we got a 4 generation photo!

4th is him sleeping with a new toy – “wormy” –
currently his favorite

and last is him “helping” me at my desk – he wanted to sit in my lap, but I finally got him to sit in the desk drawer and he actually will fall asleep.

He goes to training September 6th and we’re hoping it goes well. One thing he does pretty consistently is walk on his front feet – particularly when he is in grass and running and smells something interesting – he stops so fast that his hind end goes up in the air and he has taken as much as 4 steps like that. Do you know how we could teach him that? He is doing it naturally, but I don’t know how to get him to understand that that is what we want him to do on purpose.

Enjoy the photos!

Linda Smith
